Select events organized
09/2023 Conference co-organiser, “Between Blue Urbanism and Tanah Air: Urban Experiments, Circulations and Placemaking as Sea Level Change Adaptation”, Jakarta (11-13, September 2023), with Dr. Johannes Herbeck (host – Universitas Indonesia)
08/2023 Convenor, “Blue Hauntologies and Spectral Seas”, Royal Geographical Society Annual Conference (RGS-IBG 2023), London – double panel
08/2021 Co-convenor (with Dr. Alin Kadfak), ICAS 12 panel – “The Storied Life of Asia’s Deltas and Estuaries: Pluralizing Southern Waterfronts”, Kyoto, Japan (online)
05/2019 Organising committee, “Postcolonial Oceans”, co-organized with the Linguistics and Literature Dept., University of Bremen, Germany (led by Prof. Kerstin Knopf)
09/2018 Co-organizer, “Translating Sea Level Change in Urban Life: Policies, Practices, and their Intersections in Island Southeast Asia“ (symposium) Co-organized event public photographic exhibition in Jakarta, Indonesia
04/2017 Co-organized with Dr. Inga Nordhaus (ZMT) and the Center for Marine and Coastal Research (CEMACS), Penang – “Mangrove Futures in Penang: Bridging Science, Policy and Perspectives”, held in Penang, Malaysia on 28
April, 01/2017 Co-organized with University of Hamburg & Artec, Bremen – “Exploring Marine and Coastal Epistemologies: A Roundtable”, held in Hamburg, Germany, on 23 January, 2017
Select talks
07/2023 British Folklore Studies Society, UK, ´Spectral Ecologies: Tracing Jasmine, Shrimp, and Ancestral Graves in Java´, oral presentation with Cahya Gemilang (University of Hull, online)
06/2023 People & the Sea XII: Blue Fear, Amsterdam, NL, ‘Afterlives of Reclamation in Coastal Jakarta”, oral presentation; 28 June 2023 Amsterdam (online)
06/2022 National Research and Innovation Agency (Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional, BRIN formerly LIPI) in Jakarta, Indonesia, Hybrid colloquium talk: “Contradictions in Coastal Futuring” (with J. Herbeck), 28 June 2022
12/2021 Dis/Entangling Perspectives in Material Research Lecture Series (virtual lecture series hosted by the ‘Matters of Activity’ Excellence Cluster, Humboldt University, “Sanded: Sedimented Pasts and Shored Futures” (online)
12/201 The Sea is Rising and So Are We – Seminar Series (organized by the University of Bremen), register online. Talk – “Tidal Cities: Contested Speculative Futures of Urban Shorelines” (J Herbeck/R. Siriwardane) December 7, 18.00 (CST), together with the introduction of ‘Tidal Cities – Visualising Coastal Futures.’
18/2022 “Teaching the City” Workshop, Critical Urban Anthropology Association of the Association of American Anthropologists, flash talk: “Tidal Cities: Visualising Coastal Futures” (online)
02/2020 Water and the City Symposium, Asia Research Institute, NUS, Singapore “Futuring Blue Urbanism: Promises and Paradoxes of the Littoral in Northern Jakarta”, 5-7 February 2020, Singapore.
06/2019 People & the Sea X: learning from the past, imagining the future, Amsterdam, NL (co-convener with Aarthi Sridhar, panel On Ideals: Towards circumspect and contingent knowledge in maritime worlds (with A. Sridhar, UvA), ‘Islands of Invasion’: Non-native and Nuisance Species, and the Making of Charismatic Ecosystems in the Dutch Antilles, oral presentation; 28 June 2019, Amsterdam
06/2019 Postcolonial Oceans Conference, “The Coastal Uncanny: Beyond the Reviled and the Revived in Penang´s Mangrove Forests,” oral presentation, May 30 – 2 June 2019, Bremen.
11/2017 OceanGov Conference – Land-Sea Interactions Work Group Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, “Governing Coastal Defence: The Contradictions of Marine Diking Metro Manila,” 14 November 2017
07/2017 MARE People and the Sea Conference IX, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, “Beyond the Wall”: Imaginaries and Contradictions of Coastal Protection in Coastal Jakarta and Metro Manila, 12 July 2017
12/2016 5th Conference of the Asian Borderlands Research Network (ABRN), Katmandu, Nepal “Roving Epistemes: Knowledge Circulations in the Study of ‘Risky’ Coastal Borderlands at the in Kathmandu”, Nepal on the 12th of December 2016
03/2016 The 3rd Bremen Conference on Language & Literature in Colonial and Postcolonial Context, “Reclaiming the Sea: Whither Marine Imaginaries on an Island Hub”, March 15-18 2016, Bremen.
09/2015 Integrating Geographies: Geographers and Geography on the Move (Neue Kulturgeographie XIII), Graz, Austria Presentation: “Illuminating the Anthropocene debate from a decolonial perspective: What are the underlying ´grand cultural´ narratives?” (with K. Schulz)
04/2015 Political Geographies of Development, Risk and Securitization, Bonn, Paper presentation: “Transformative discourses in climate change adaptation research: conceptual reflections on the role of localism and culture” (with K. Schulz)
2014 Norwich Conference on Earth System Governance, Norwich, Presentation: “Normative or transformative? Re-evaluating the paradoxes of localism and resilience in community-based adaptation thinking” (with K. Schulz)
05/2010 32nd German Oriental Studies Conference (Deutscher Orientalistentag), Münster, Panel: Religiöse Pluralität als Herausforderung für Religionen und Politik, Paper presentation: “Re-cloaking the Abaya: The Politics of the Hijab in Postwar Sri Lanka”, Münster
03/2010 From Good to Great: National Youth Sector Conference 2010, Singapore, “Making the Road by Walking: Building Research Capacities through Youth Engagement and Participation“, Singapore
Further participation in training/workshops:
10/2024, “Inclusive Academic Teaching”, Bonn Centre for Dependency and Slavery Studies, University of Bonn
09/2024, “Policy Advisory Workshop”, University of Bonn
06 /2013 Foundation Fiat Panis Ph.D. Workshop, Berlin, “Ethics in Food Security and Development Research and Action”
04 /2012 United Nations University (UNU-EHS) Ph.D. Block Course, Bonn, “From Vulnerability to Resilience in Disaster Risk Management