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The Southern Collective

Networked regions & members: Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Malaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Singapore, Sri Lanka & Thailand

Donor – US Social Science Research Council, Transregional Indian Ocean Collaboratories (2020-ongoing)
PIs – Dr. Annu Jalais (Krea University) & Aarthi Sridhar (Dakshin Foundation), together Dr. Rapti Siriwardane & Dr. Alin Kadfak (SLU, Sweden)

The Southern Collective is a networked and ever-evolving group of researchers and practitioners with diverse disciplinary backgrounds working across the northern Indian Ocean region. We share common interests related to coastal and marine challenges in the Indian Ocean region and a desire to promote meaningful South-South collaborations. Our mission is to build and sustain collaborative partnerships aimed at democratizing knowledge production about marine worlds. We imagine the Southern Collective to be a growing and inclusive civil society space that brings together environmental researchers, development practitioners, artists, journalists, educational institutions, coastal community leaders and a range of ‘organic intellectuals’ to achieve the aim of re-centering maritime community-based knowledge around transboundary marine resources and migration. Past project include the Migration Diaries and the Asian Bestiary.

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